domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009

Christmas Fun

Christmas is around!

Before leaving to celebrate Christmas and to relax during 15 days I want you to do just one "task"

Tick on the title of this entry and you will go to a page where you have to do some activities related to Christmas. Follow instructions, answer the questions and use the links you have there.

Enjoy it!

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Cooking Book

Activity Number One. Cooking Book

Click on the title of this entry "Cooking Book" and you will go to YouTube to watch a video about how to prepare "Fish and Chips"

Decide what recipe you want to prepare ( a simple one) and prepare it following the same steps that the person at the video follows, there are 9 steps, you can do it in 5 or 6 if your recipe is easier.

You need to write a list of the ingredients and a list of utensils first
You have to write recipe f
Prepare pictures of the ingredients and utensils and also pictures of the different steps.
Prepare a power point or a video using movie-maker and upload it to your blog

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009



You have to prepare a dictionary following the template I give you, click on the title of this entry "Dictionary" and download it.

You can change the template if you want and you can use sentences or pictures to explain the meanings (never explanations in Spanish)

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Tic Tac 2009/2010


Hello everybody and welcome to the project.

We have planned a lot of activities for this new school year. Madrid, Cardedeu and Zamora will work together one year more and the results will appear in our blogs and web pages.

We want to share resources, meet people and learn English in a different way and the Internet and our computers will help us to do it.

Activities for Students

1. Cooking book (October/November)
2. Dictionary (October/ June)
3. News (November/ December)
4. WebQuest: Discover Barcelona (January/ February)
5. Write a Poem (February/March)

martes, 23 de junio de 2009

Tic Tac English

15th June

Primer encuentro de alumnos de la Agrupación Tic Tac English en Madrid. Alumnos de Cardedeu, Santamarca y Río Duero realizan actividades conjuntas y establecen el primer contacto tras varios meses de intercambio de e-mails y conversaciones via internet.

17th June

Los alumnos de Cardedeu visitan el I.E.S. Río Duero. Durante la mañana los alumnos muestran sus páginas webs y presentaciones en las aulas de informática del centro, se celebra una comida conjunta en el Parque de los Tres Arboles y por la tarde se realiza una visita guiada por la ciudad de Zamora.

El horario de actividades, comentarios de los alumnos y profesores y fotografías de los encuentros se pueden ver en el Blog:

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

The Last One


¿Cuántas entradas has hecho?

¿Cuántas entradas crees que debería haber por trimestre?

¿Cúal es la que más te ha gustado?

¿Cúal la que menos?

¿Cúal ha sido la más difícil?

¿Fue fácil hacer el Blog?

¿Habéis trabajado igual todos los miembros del grupo?

¿Preferirías hacer un blog individual?

¿Seguirás con el Blog el año que viene?

¿Hay algún tema sobre lo que te gustaría trabajar el curso próximo?

¿Cuál es el número ideal de personas para hacer el Blog?

¿Te gustaría que hubiera alguna entrada de tema libre?

¿Has cambiado la plantilla o conservas la original?

¿Quieres hacer alguna sugerencia para el año que viene?

viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

Adjectives. Unit 7


I'm going to give you some questions, it's a superlative quiz about the UK. Surf the net and look for the answer to these "easy" questions, at the end of the exercise there are some words to help you.

Answer them in your blog and add a picture of one of the places or people I ask you for.
  1. What is the highest mountain?
  2. Who is the richest person? How much money?
  3. What is the furthest country from the UK?
  4. What is the second biggest city? How many people?
  5. Where is the largest lake? How many kilometres?
  6. What is the longest river? How many kilometres?
  7. Where are the heaviest smokers?
  8. What is the most common surname?
  9. What is the tallest office building? How many metres?
  10. What is the busiest airport? How many passengers per year?
  11. What is the most popular daily newspaper?

Clue: Canary Wharf, The Sun, Scotland, Ben Nevis, The Severn, New Zealand, Heathrow, Smith, Manchester, Duke of Westminster, Birmingham.


I want to know something about you. Answer these questions using comparatives.

  1. Which colour do you prefer? Why?
  2. Which do you prefer coke or pepsi? Why?
  3. Who do you think is more beautiful Penelope Cruz or Scarlett Johansson?Compare them
  4. Which do you prefer spring or autum? Why?
  5. Do you prefer to express yourself by speaking or by writing?
  6. Do you prefer cats or dogs? Why?
  7. Do you prefer jeans or tracksuit?
  8. Do you prefer Saturdays or Sundays? why?
  9. Do you prefer sunrise or sunset? why?
Clue: warm, cold, tall, short, thin, friendly, comfortable, casual, bright,dark, light, boring, funny, busy, taste, cheap, expensive, easy, difficult, aggressive, cute, beautiful, nice,

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

Tic Tac English

This is Charlie Bone, the main character of a series of books written by British author Jenny Nimmo.

… Charlie is a twelve-year-old boy endowed with supernatural talents to converse and "visit" people contained within photographs or paintings.

As a result of his endowment, Charlie is sent to Bloor's Academy, a weekday unordinary school for those endowed with magical, artistic, dramatic or musical talents.

While he makes enemies among the owners, the Bloors, he also makes a significant number of friends who assist in his attempts to preserve the good…

Enter the site answer the following in your blog.

You can also play some of the games you’ll find while looking for the answers!!!

Have a look at the map and decide whether the following statements are true or false:

a. The bookshop is next to the church.

b. The Castle is opposite Charlie’s house.

c. There’s a tunnel from the bookshop to the castle.

d. Charlie lives at 27 Filbert Street.

e. If you come out of Charlie’s, turn right, walk along Filbert Street, go past Angel Flowers and take the first turning on the right, you get to the Greengrocer’s.
f. If you come out of Charlie’s, turn left, walk along Filbert Street and take the first turning on your left, you can visit Olivia Vertigo.


Go to Charlie’s house and try to find out what the lamp over the bag next to the stairs says.


Take the exam to enter Bloor’s Academy. Once you’ve passed the test, explore the academy and answer the following questions:
a. What does Dr. Bloor say?
b. What colour is Charlie’s cape?


Go to the bookshop. Have a look at the books. Discover what they are about and choose your favourite one. You can also listen to some excerpts from the books if you want.

Ah, just one more question: What are the titles of the seven books?

This first activity was created by the teachers in Madrid and our aim is that all the students share some activities, this is the first one.

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2009

Saint Valentine's Day

Do you know anything about Saint Valentine?

I want you to investigate, look for information

Who was Saint Valentine?

Why do we celebrate it on 14th February?

How many Valentine Cards are sent every year?

Learn about Saint Valentine and answer these and other
questions at this link:

Copy and paste the link and follow these steps:

1. Read the text
2. Check if the statements are true or false
3. Answer the questions
4. Write the words next to their synonym or definition

lunes, 2 de febrero de 2009


The first task you have to do now is a complete description of you and your family, the students from Madrid and Barcelona want to know you so, try to explain everything about yourself, not only your age and physical appearance but also your hobbies, what kind of music you like, what books you read, what are your favourite sports and what you do in your free time.

Describe also your school, teachers and subjects. Before uploading the information you can ask Silvia to correct mistakes (if you have some).

All the adjectives you need to describe are in this page, copy and paste this link in the

We are going to prepare a list with your names and e-mail address and we are going to prepare groups of three students, one from each school to work together in future projects.

Silvia is going to direct your work these days, you must think that a lot of people are going to visit your blogs, so.... be careful, try to give the blog a good appearance and follow a logical order when you describe yourself and your family.

I'll be there soon. Be Good!!!

lunes, 19 de enero de 2009

Unit 4. Natural Disasters

Unit number 4 is about Natural Disasters, I want you to write about one which have ocurred in the past.

Work on the questions below:
  • When did it happen?
  • Where did it happen?
  • What happened? Explain it in no more than five or six lines
  • What was it caused by?
  • What were the consequences for the area?
  • The extend of the damage
  • How many lives were lost?
  • Did people get any help during or after the disaster?
  • If the answer is "yes", what kind of help?

viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

New Year Resolutions

It's time to think about the changes we want to do.These are my plans for the New Year.

What about yours? I want to read them in your Blogs

1. I'm going to be more organized
2. I'm going to lose weight
3. I'm going to eat healthy

4. I'm going to save 2 euro coins

5. I'm going to go to the gym three days a week